White Paper

The Armis Centrix™ Approach to Asset Data Collection Across IT, OT, CPS and IoT Ecosystems

Data scientist querying, analyzing and visualizing complex set on virtual screen.

Armis Centrix™ excels in data collection by integrating multiple methods from diverse sources, enabling users to gather, analyze, correlate and derive valuable insights in a single location. This process is further enhanced by enriching datasets with additional information, such as vulnerabilities, risks, anomalous behaviors, End of Life/Support dates, business criticality, and more. We recognize that understanding the context of your assets is essential, and this requires both an internal and external perspective. In other words, it’s crucial to know how your assets may be targeted, what threats are affecting similar organizations in your industry, and within your own network, what assets you have, their criticality, and how to prioritize them. The core methods for asset discovery in this process include:

  • Passive Traffic Inspection
  • Integrations
  • NetworkMapper
  • Wireless LAN
  • Smart Active Query
  • Asset Intelligence Engine
  • Actionable Threat Intelligence

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