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On-demand Webinar

Navigating the Changing Medical Device Threat Landscape

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Smart medical devices continue to advance much-needed efficiencies and innovations in healthcare organizations. However, these devices are often connected to hospital networks without oversight from information security teams, resulting in increased cyber risk and an expanded attack surface.

With the recent introduction of the PATCH Act and other bills, medical device manufacturers are facing new requirements for helping to ensure device security. Under the same lens, NIST has released new framework guidelines specific to healthcare organizations that expand the scope to include IoT, IoMT, and other smart and unmanaged devices.

Learn more about how these developments will impact the landscape and what it means for healthcare organizations’ risk postures. Hear Armis healthcare experts Oscar Miranda, Field CTO for healthcare, and Mohammad Waqas, Principal Solution Architect:

  • Explore the current threat landscape around medical devices
  • Review new cybersecurity framework and legislation revisions that now include medical devices
  • Provide guidance on the associated risk impact and approaches information security teams can use to manage them and secure the entirety of the healthcare device ecosystem

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