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An Innovative Approach to Medical Device Vulnerability Management

Ultrasound - Medical device security

Smart medical devices continue to evolve the ways patient care is delivered. From reducing wait times and simplifying procedures, to enabling remote care services, connected clinical assets benefit healthcare organizations in a myriad of ways. Information security teams, however, face major challenges extending their existing vulnerability management programs to include medical devices. Whether it’s a traditional network-enabled CT scanner running a Windows operating system, or a wireless telemetry monitor leveraging a more proprietary application stack, each device’s sensitive nature prevents a traditional vulnerability assessment tool from leveraging the same scanning approaches used on enterprise devices. How can healthcare organizations then truly understand the vulnerability exposure posed by their medical devices?

Watch this webinar to learn about the challenges healthcare organizations face on the journey of implementing a medical device vulnerability management program, and steps information security teams and leadership can take to help manage the increasing number of vulnerabilities on their most sensitive devices.

Key Takeaways:

  • A review of the challenges and limitations of a traditional vulnerability management program on medical devices.
  • Why a new approach for vulnerability management is needed for connected clinical assets.
  • Best practices for implementing a medical device vulnerability management program.
  • A look ahead – how the future of medical device vulnerability management is evolving and what it means for healthcare security teams.

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