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Understand Medical Device Utilization

Armis Centrix™ provides the necessary visibility and contextual data to monitor the usage patterns of clinical devices within the healthcare environment. Enabling the optimization of resource allocation, capital planning and essential maintenance.

Device utilization over time screenshot on screen
Sint-Trudo Ziekenhuis Hospital logo
Sint-Trudo Ziekenhuis Hospital

Turned to Armis to gain more comprehensive visibility into networked devices and assets as a critical first step toward maintaining compliance with Belgium’s strict privacy and security laws.

medical researchers in a hospital lab

Understanding Medical Device Utilization Challenges

From eliminating unnecessary device purchases, to minimizing maintenance-window-related disruptions to patient care, device utilization analytics can be invaluable to clinical, cybersecurity and IT teams. Unfortunately, however, most teams today do not have clear metrics regarding actual medical device utilization versus their patient care capacity potential.

Identify Unauthorized Device Utilization

Detect potential cyberattacks earlier by tracking and setting up alerts for unusual anomalies in device activity and utilization.

Prioritize Vulnerability Remediation

Strategically plan for vulnerability remediation process based on asset criticality as well as when medical devices can be taken offline because they are idle.

Plan Downtime, Maintenance and Upgrades

Proactively schedule regular maintenance, software updates and patches, for when devices are not being utilized.

Providing Evidence of Utilization for Funding Requests

Gather utilization data that can justify capital expenditure based on usage capacity, wait times and future demand projections.

Uniting Clinical Engineers, Cybersecurity and IT to Deliver 360° Device Visibility, Security and Control

Armis Centrix™ provides teams across the healthcare organization with critical insights about the utilization, security posture, and business impact of medical devices.

Clinical and Biomedical Engineering Teams

  • Gain near real-time asset inventory and identification of IT, OT, IoT and IoMT devices
  • Identify devices operating outside of normal times which may be an indicator of unauthorized utilization
  • Help determine when device usage is optimal and when maintenance and upgrades will be least disruptive to patient services
  • Medical device utilization reports can be used to support capacity planning, future funding and purchase requests
2898 medical devices by type dashboard
Alerts for a medical device screenshot

Cybersecurity Teams

  • Provide holistic and contextualized insights and elevate risk profiles for patient care medical devices
  • Prioritization of essential patient treatment and diagnostics equipment over non-essential experience equipment such as tablets and consoles
  • Identify and prevent potential security incidents earlier by detecting unusual anomolies in device usage and activity

Information Technology Teams

  • Identify optimal change and maintenance windows by identifying when devices are least or not being used
  • Metrics can be exported to BI tools and used to inform decisions on operational projects such as new purchase requests, equipping new buildings, relocation planning and M&As.
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Solution Brief: Medical Device Utilization and Security with Armis

Additional Resources

Webinar: Clinical Device Utilization Insights

Watch this webinar for a deep dive of the Armis Asset Intelligence Platform. Learn how to get accurate, up-to-date visibility into the medical device fleet along with device utilization metrics.

e-Book: 5 Critical Considerations for Your Medical Device Security Strategy

Discover the limitations of traditional vulnerability management programs in securing medical and IoT devices in healthcare environments. Download our ebook.

University Health Network Declares Armis the Leading Indicator on All Vulnerabilities in Its Environment

Watch the video to discover how Canada’s largest teaching hospital uses Armis to visualize, secure and understand every device on their network.