Closing The Loop With Remediation Activity Visibility
The first step to improvement is measurement. How can you measure if you can’t monitor how remediation teams are performing?
No Centralized View of Remediation Status
Security teams have to log in to each ticketing system to track individual tickets, and have no centralized view into feedback from remediation teams – including exception requests.
Getting Over A False Sense of Urgency
Most organizations use SLAs as blunt instrument to push remediation teams to implement fixes – but missing SLAs is often seen only as a compliance concern. How do teams standardize realistic metrics for both security teams and teams responsible for remediation that enables the organization to align remediation activity with risk reduction?
Avoiding Misleading Comparisons
Which teams are effective at implementing fixes? Which teams need more guidance in implementing fixes, and which teams are repeat offenders? Without only high level metrics but no granular insights, security teams can’t identify who to praise, and where more collaborative focus is needed.
Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation

Track and Evaluate Progress
Security teams can centrally track and monitor remediation task status by individual teams, business units and organization wide. In addition to organization-wide tracking of SLAs by finding severity (critical, high, medium and low) over configurable time intervals, analysts can build custom reporting dashboards relevant for compliance mandates and security policies. For reporting to security and executive stakeholders, Armis provides a comprehensive dashboard for trend tracking, along with widgets to provide another layer of detail, or customization for specific operational metrics and objectives.
Measure the Effectiveness of the Remediation Process
Track trends by risk criticality and measure how teams are performing over time, and in comparison with each other to improve overall operations and output . Centralized tracking and monitoring of remediation task status, by criticality, finding category and asset class.
Centralize Exceptions Management
Consolidated tracking and managing of accepted exceptions, re-assignment status as well as ongoing exception request management. Automate follow ups for accepted exceptions.
Uplight Increases Productivity With Armis Centrix™
Founded in 2019, Uplight delivers a technology platform to more than 80 utilities, serving 110 million customers.
While the company had a set of existing security practices, when Uplight’s current VP of Information Security joined the company in mid-2022, he set out to implement a more programmatic and formalized strategy for securing the Uplight platform, applications and development processes.
Additional Resources
White Paper: Modernizing Vulnerability Management to Reduce Risk
This white paper discusses the problems with traditional vulnerability management processes and how to modernize them.
Brochure: Armis Centrix™
Armis Centrix™ is a seamless, frictionless, cloud-based platform that proactively mitigates all cyber asset risks, remediates vulnerabilities, blocks threats and protects your entire attack surface.
White Paper: Operationalizing Early Warning Intelligence for The Security Operations Center (SOC) and Risk Management
This white paper aims to provide SOC and VM teams with a comprehensive guide on how to operationalize early warning intelligence to enhance their ability to protect their organizations.