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Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation

Operationalize the Remediation Lifecycle

With Armis, security stakeholders can identify risks with greater fidelity, communicate priorities more effectively, automate accurate ownership assignment, and collaborate with IT, developers and operations stakeholders to efficiently manage the entire lifecycle of the risk resolution management process.

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A Leap Forward in Addressing the Security Gap Between the “Find” and the “Fix”

Organizations Are Drowning in Security Issues

Security teams are inundated with the deluge of vulnerabilities and lack a clear remediation process.

A Question of Ownership

Identifying who is responsible for remediation tasks for distributed technology, development and engineering teams is often a guessing game for security teams, with limited visibility for follow up if the wrong owner is assigned.

Exposure Window Left Wide Open?

Hackers are using AI to launch attacks and quickly weaponize new exploits. Identifying risks is half the battle – making sure the right risks are fixed by disparate remediation teams is critical to your risk posture.

Lack of Consolidated Visibility

Investing in automation and tooling, and establishing clear ownership and accountability for security is not always sufficient. Siloed teams and lack of collaboration can mean that security teams spend time tracking down individual tasks across multiple ticketing systems.

Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation
Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro - Unify chart

Remediation owners org chart screenshot

AI-driven Predictive Ownership Assignment

How to prioritize, what to fix, and who to assign

Leverage AI-driven predictive capabilities to determine who is most likely responsible for the asset and the remediation. Automate remediation ownership for prioritized fixes, assign owners through asset-based rules and define teams responsible for asset types, environments and finding category. Ongoing AI-based refinement of assignment based on operations feedback.

Integrate With Existing Workflows and Tools

Armis easily integrates with your existing workflows and tools, automating bulk ticketing across multiple ticketing systems with clear, actionable remediation guidance. Armis provides configurable and customizable integration with ticketing systems such as ServiceNow, JIRA, Zendesk and Freshservice to ensure that remediation workflows are consistent with existing workflows and assignment models.

vipr pro ticket creation on screen
vipr pro remediation campaign on screen

Automate Focused Remediation Campaigns

Armis Remediation Campaign enables vulnerability management teams to create and scope targeted campaigns for specific assets, vulnerabilities targeted by a new active exploit, new CISA KEV exploits, or exposure categories, with a defined end date. Campaigns can serve the function of addressing critical risks in a scoped process, as well as identifying areas of weaknesses or issues in the remediation lifecycle.

Uplight Increases Productivity With Armis Centrix™

Uplight logo small

Founded in 2019, Uplight delivers a technology platform to more than 80 utilities, serving 110 million customers.

While the company had a set of existing security practices, when Uplight’s current VP of Information Security joined the company in mid-2022, he set out to implement a more programmatic and formalized strategy for securing the Uplight platform, applications and development processes.

three male coworkers collaborating around a computer

Additional Resources

White Paper: Modernizing Vulnerability Management to Reduce Risk

This white paper discusses the problems with traditional vulnerability management processes and how to modernize them.

2024 GigaOm Radar for Continuous Vulnerability Management (CVM) Report

Download a complimentary copy of GigaOm’s comprehensive analysis of the Continuous Vulnerability Management market and understand why Armis was identified as a Leader.

Solution Brief: Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation

Modern organizations are grappling with a barrage of security alerts and scaling the prioritization and remediation process to secure the attack surface. Armis Centrix™, addresses the gap in cybersecurity between security findings and actionable remediation.