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Solution Brief

The Run to Failure Method that is Increasing Risk Exponentially:

How to Protect Your Energy and Utilities Environment with Armis

Electricity transmission towers with glowing wires at night

The Energy and Utilities sector is responsible for providing some of our most basic human requirements, from powering homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure to supplying safe water. This sector encompasses energy generation, transmission, distribution, and other utility services, and relies heavily on Operational Technology (OT) to maintain the integrity and reliability of these essential systems. An interruption, even briefly, due to a security breach, can lead to potentially catastrophic consequences, including widespread power outages and potential loss of life.

Larger energy utilities face the reality of cooperative service agreements that share networks of IT and OT devices, which require constant monitoring and maintenance. The sheer volume of information and data produced in these environments that ensure a balanced service delivery without power spikes or brownouts must be automated – the use of manual spreadsheets just isn’t realistic. Let’s take renewable energy as an example, where energy outputs are not constant, and smart grid technology aligns with supply and demand, IoT sensors produce huge amounts of data critical to the operation of the grid.

Without some form of automation, vulnerability prioritization and remediation assignment, alert fatigue, or events being missed altogether is inevitable. Smaller utilities or electric cooperatives are being increasingly targeted by cyber terrorists and rogue factions which is increasing the need for a converged IT/OT security approach.

Continue reading to learn how Armis delivers comprehensive visibility across both IT and OT assets, with deep situational analysis down to the firmware and backplane level and how Armis’s flexible deployment options and integration with leading IT security vendors ensure that utility infrastructures operate with enhanced safety and reduced risk.

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