Armis Acquires OTORIO

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Solution Brief

Manage Medical Device Recalls, MDS², and Security Advisories with Armis

Surgeon analyzing patient heart testing result on digital futuristic virtual interface

The technology stack in any healthcare environment is incredibly diverse. There are countless specialized devices directly involved in patient care, diagnostics, medication delivery, and monitoring. Each specific device has its own set of technology guidelines and limitations, outlined by manufacturers and regulated by the government.

Any deviation from operating standards, device vulnerabilities, or unsupported systems can result in devices being taken offline or operating under risky conditions, which can delay patient care or in some cases, adversely affect patient outcomes.

Download to continue reading about how Armis Centrix™ can help:

  • Proactively protect and manage your medical device fleet
  • Manage FDA recalls and medical device advisories
  • Leverage MDS² files for effective medical device management
  • Protect your medical devices and clinical environment with network segmentation

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