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Solution Brief

Maintaining Compliance with Cyber Insurance Requirements Using Armis Centrix™

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In cybersecurity, the only constant is change. As cyber threats grow in sophistication and frequency, organizations must adopt robust security measures to protect their assets and maintain compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. One critical aspect of this compliance is meeting the stringent requirements of cyber insurance policies, which have become increasingly complex and demanding.

The Role of Cyber Insurance in Enterprise Security

Cyber insurance serves as a risk transference strategy for enterprises, protecting them against financial losses resulting from cyber incidents. However, the rising threat of ransomware and other cyber attacks has made obtaining and maintaining cyber insurance coverage more challenging. According to a 2023 study by S&P Global Market Intelligence, 53% of cyber insurance policyholders report that it is more difficult to meet policy requirements than it was 12 months ago.

As premiums rise and coverage requirements become more stringent, enterprises must invest in effective security technologies to meet these demands and control premium costs.

This is where Armis Centrix™ comes into play.

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