Using Armis with Network Access Control
Why have 75% security when you can have 100%?
Gartner predicts that by 2020, more than 25% of identified attacks in enterprises will involve theInternet of Things.* This prediction is based on the following facts:
- Unmanaged devices are growing in number and are becoming ubiquitous in corporate environments – connected TVs, digital assistants such as Amazon Echo, tablets, IP cameras, connected thermostats, etc.
- New attack vectors like BroadPwn, BlueBorne, KRACK and BLEEDINGBIT have openedthe door to direct device-to-device attacks.
- Network segmentation, which is the primary security control that most organizations use for IoT devices, can be attacked and compromised (see bulletin TA18-106A by US CERT). This means once an attacker has compromised an unmanaged device, he can move laterally and exfiltrate data from anywhere in the enterprise.
- Visibility over unmanaged devices is lacking. Existing security tools were designed tom onitor traditional computing devices on traditional networks (802.11, Ethernet), but theyare blind to devices that can’t accept an agent and devices that communicate over Bluetooth.