Armis Acquires OTORIO

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Early Warning Insights to Protect the Manufacturing Industry

Focus on the Most Critical Risks Before They Impact Your Environment

Two engineers looking at virtual data in a factory

The manufacturing sector, like many others, is navigating an increasingly complex threat landscape. The integration of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices has considerably expanded the attack surface, leading to a surge in cyberattacks on manufacturing organizations. Attackers are evolving their tactics, exploiting visibility gaps, and taking advantage of the vastness of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) environments to maximize disruption.

This report acknowledges the significant leap in technology represented by CPS, and the dependencies between IT and OT systems in manufacturing environments. It provides organizations with key insights to proactively address cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities, and prioritize the mitigation efforts against relevant threat actors.

  • For CISOs, the report offers an overview of current risks, widely exploited and emerging vulnerabilities, and early warning alerts to stop attacks before they impact the organization.
  • For Vulnerability Management- and broader Security Teams- it offers a practical list of CVEs, TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) and IOCs (Indicators of Compromise) for organizations to address and monitor.

Download These Key Insights