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Partner Brief

Gain Visibility and Insight Into Connected Devices With Armis and Guardicore

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As more kinds of devices are becoming connected and utilized in corporate networks, IT and security teams are facing a growing number of challenges. One of those challenges is identifying and protecting all of the different kinds of devices — including IT, OT, IoT, and IoMT. Connected devices need to be monitored and controlled as a dynamic part of an organization’s entire network, and not within a silo. If left improperly governed, these can become an entry point for attackers to move laterally inside the network, providing an open door for access to a growing amount of sensitive data.

Unmanaged Does Not Equal Uncontrollable

By integrating with Armis, Guardicore adds device attributes and metadata, along with contextual information such as location and risk scores, into your single pane of glass view. This integration allows you to create asset labels in Guardicore for these unmanaged devices where Guardicore agents cannot be directly installed. From one detailed map, you can now see what these devices are and where they meet the data center, including traffic origins and any application dependencies.

With this additional context gleaned from Armis Centrix™, organizations can use Akamai Guardicore Segmentation to create tight segmentation policies that control communications from these devices into the data center.

Continue reading to learn more about the integration of Armis and Guardicore.

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