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June 28, 2023

Laore Sardegna Agenzia Regionale Selects Armis to Improve Asset Visibility and Security

Leading public administration agency prioritizes cybersecurity; deploys Armis to see the extended attack surface that connected assets create

Milan, Italy – July 3, 2023 – Armis, the leading asset visibility and security company, today announced that Laore Sardegna Agenzia Regionale, public administration agency, has selected Armis as a solutions partner for its asset intelligence platform. This partnership will bolster Laore Sardegna’s capabilities to move forward all initiatives that support the economic development of the region safely and securely, with an emphasis on protecting the infrastructure that supports Sardinia’s regional agricultural and rural development programs.

With more than 800 employees accessing networks through a variety of devices, Armis plays an essential role in helping the team create and maintain an up-to-date inventory of login activity and assets. To manage this environment Armis connects to the network hub, integrating with the existing tech stack, to analyze all major traffic flows from the internal network to the public network, to and from the server area, and the internal demilitarized zone.

“Armis operates in agentless mode, and this is a unique value-add,” commented Carla Argiolas, Head of Information Systems and Process Digitization Service. “Sometimes, we have PCs that are old and out of date, devices that have not been cataloged, and unknown devices that connect to the network. It can be challenging to discover these blind spots. But with Armis, we can detect them and understand the level of risk they pose by doing a lateral analysis.”

Because of Armis’ ability to see, monitor and protect the entire infrastructure, Laore Sardegna Agenzia Regionale has fulfilled the below goals:

  • Gain visibility into all managed and unmanaged devices connecting to the network.
  • Detect any unusual traffic and anomalous device behavior.
  • Become compliant with the required ICT measures mandated by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID).
  • Ensure that any business reliant on its services will have a trusted partner and can do so in a secure manner.

“We understand the unique cybersecurity challenges that the public sector is experiencing in Italy, given today’s complicated threat landscape,” said Nicola Altavilla, Country Manager Italy & Mediterranean Area at Armis. “We’re proud they’ve selected Armis as a partner, reaffirming the importance of asset visibility and security for the regional agency and all its partners. We are thrilled to have deployed our solution across Laore Sardegna network to help the company immediately draw actionable insights from our platform.”

To learn more about innovation coming out of Laore Sardegna Agenzia Regionale, please visit:

About Customer

Laore Sardegna is an agency of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, with headquarters in Cagliari, 56 offices spread across the region and 800 employees. Its mission is to promote the integrated development of agriculture and fishery resources, of rural territories as a whole and the environmental compatibility of these activities. The Agency favors the multifunctionality of farms, territorial specificities, promotes quality production and the competitiveness of enterprises. It manages the granting of aid and subsidies in agriculture.

About Armis

Armis, the leading asset visibility and security company, provides the industry’s first unified asset intelligence platform designed to address the new extended attack surface that connected assets create. Fortune 100 companies trust our real-time and continuous protection to see with full context all managed, unmanaged assets across IT, cloud, IoT devices, medical devices (IoMT), operational technology (OT), industrial control systems (ICS), and 5G. Armis provides passive cyber asset management, risk management, and automated enforcement. Armis is a privately held company and headquartered in California.