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October 12, 2023

Colacem turns to Armis to Strengthen their Cybersecurity Posture and Gain Complete Control over Vulnerabilities, Threats and Risks

Armis protects cement production facilities, a data center, and a major race track

ITALY – October 12, 2023 – Armis, the asset intelligence cybersecurity company, announced today that it was selected by Colacem S.p.A, a forward-looking Italian company active in cement production, to strengthen its cybersecurity posture. This collaboration has enabled Colacem to gain complete control over vulnerabilities, threats and risks for all assets in its environment.

Additional organizations from Colacem’s holding group, the Financo Group, also work with Armis, making the company a crucial part of their security program. The group uses Armis Centrix™, the AI-powered cyber exposure management platform, to protect Colacem’s cement production facilities, a data center, and an international racetrack amongst others.

With Armis Centrix™, Colacem obtained a complete picture of all assets across their infrastructure,  including IT, Operational Technology (OT), and IoT devices, and a map of their communications. By providing complete asset visibility across all asset types, Armis Centrix™ enabled Colacem’s security team with control over their whole environment. And, through its integrations with existing network and security technologies, it added value to existing tools by enabling the exchange of information and data.

“We requested Armis’ support because we realized we did not have visibility of all the devices,” said Luca Salemmi, ICT Security Manager at Colacem. “What we immediately liked about Armis Centrix™ is its ability to assess the level of vulnerability of each of the devices and provide an order of priority for immediate intervention to resolve the most critical risks.”

Thanks to the newly gained contextual intelligence, Colacem can automatically detect and address real-time threats, and prioritize and remediate vulnerabilities across their entire asset attack surface.

“We are confident that this partnership will help the Financo Group achieve their security goals and protect its most critical assets,” said Nicola Altavilla, Country Manager Italy & the Mediterranean at Armis. “Our companies have embarked on a promising collaboration that is already yielding results, and we are actively engaged in ongoing initiatives.”

Armis Centrix™ was installed at Misano World Circuit “Marco Simoncelli”, an international racetrack known for hosting numerous prestigious two- and four-wheel motorsport events.

“Inside the Misano World Circuit,” comments Luca Salemmi, “Armis Centrix™ is used to secure and monitor technologies for track services such as telemetry, CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) and race control, electronic flags, access control systems, video surveillance for public safety, and pit box services for quick vehicle repairs and refueling. In addition to office equipment, VOIP (voice-over-IP) and network server including both WIFI and LAN.”

This collaboration has seen the involvement of Armis’ partner Coherentia, a company specialized in Cybersecurity & Digital Innovation solutions.

To learn more about how Armis helped Colacem strengthen its security posture, please read the case study.

About Armis
Armis, the asset intelligence cybersecurity company, protects the entire attack surface and manages the organization’s cyber risk exposure in real time. In a rapidly evolving, perimeter-less world Armis ensures that organizations continuously see, protect and manage all critical assets. Armis secures Fortune 100, 200 and 500 companies as well as national governments, state and local entities to help keep critical infrastructure, economies and society safe and secure 24/7. Armis is a privately held company headquartered in California.

Colacem S.p.A. è una realtà industriale attiva nella produzione di cemento. L’azienda, creata dalla famiglia Colaiacovo nel 1966, si è sviluppata facendo dell’innovazione tecnologica, del know-how organizzativo e della sostenibilità i propri punti di forza, fino ad attestarsi tra i leader. La società è presente in Italia con 6 stabilimenti a ciclo completo, 4 terminal e 3 depositi. Il Gruppo è attivo anche all’estero con stabilimenti e terminal in Tunisia, Repubblica Dominicana, Haiti, Albania e Spagna. È impegnato anche in settori diversificati, come quello delle energie rinnovabili, turistico-alberghiero, assicurativo, radio televisivo, fino al settore sportivo con il Misano World Circuit “Marco Simoncelli” di Misano Adriatico. Nel complesso occupa oltre 2.000 dipendenti.