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Jan 11, 2023

Armis Deepens Investment in Public Sector, Achieves FedRAMP Moderate Authorization

U.S. federal government now empowered with secure, agentless, unified asset management for connected assets.

PALO ALTO, CA – Jan. 11, 2023 Armis, the leading asset visibility and security company, today announced that it has earned Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) authorization at the Moderate level for its Armis FedRAMP Edition (AFE). The U.S. federal government can now deploy AFE and take advantage of the Armis solution’s secure, agentless, unified asset management capabilities for IT, IoT, OT, IoMT, cloud and cellular-IoT, managed or unmanaged.

FedRAMP is a government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. The program enables agencies to rapidly adapt from old, insecure legacy IT to mission-enabling, secure, and cost effective cloud-based technology.

“A complete inventory of hardware and software on a network is critically important,” said Brian Gumbel, Armis Chief Revenue Officer. “That’s why so many security frameworks, such as the CIS Critical Security Controls and the NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, start with inventory. Armis will now be able to help government agencies close the visibility gap and meet the challenges of a dangerous and evolving cyber threat landscape.”

Due to the explosion of digital assets in recent years, many public sector organizations experience a “visibility gap” where IT and security leaders can’t see all the vulnerable assets within their environment. Continued migration to the cloud, the move to mobile and BYOD, the convergence of IT/OT/IoT, and the sharp increase in remote working have changed how agencies must approach cybersecurity. They can no longer depend on conventional perimeter-based or identity-based defenses alone to protect critical systems and government data.

Armis automatically generates a complete inventory of devices in your enterprise environment – on or off the network. The breadth, depth, and accuracy of the Armis asset inventory and device discovery exceeds that of other products available today. Customers say they see 50% to 70% more connected devices using Armis technology, giving them the situational awareness they need to protect their networks.

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About Armis
Armis, the leading asset visibility and security company, provides the industry’s first unified asset intelligence platform designed to address the new extended attack surface that connected assets create. Fortune 100 companies trust our real-time and continuous protection to see with full context all managed, unmanaged assets across IT, cloud, IoT devices, medical devices (IoMT), operational technology (OT), industrial control systems (ICS), and 5G. Armis provides passive cyber asset management, risk management, and automated enforcement. Armis is a privately held company and headquartered in California.