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What is Threat Intelligence in Cybersecurity?

Threat intelligence is information that is collected, processed, and analyzed to help organizations better understand a threat actor’s motives and behaviors. Threat intelligence allows teams to think ahead and, in turn, react accordingly.

Types of threat intelligence include:

  • Strategic — Broader trends that are typically meant for a non-technical audience.
  • Tactical — Outlines of the tactics, techniques, and procedures of threat actors for a more technical audience.
  • Operational — Technical details about specific attacks and campaigns.

Why is Cyber Threat Intelligence Important?

Threat intelligence strengthens an organization’s security posture by:

  • Allowing teams to prepare and mitigate attacks before they occur.
  • Providing an actionable way for organizations to enhance their security posture.
  • Empowering stakeholders to invest wisely, make smart and quick decisions and reduce risks.

Taking steps to understand the actions and behaviors of a cyberattacker puts an organization one step ahead of an unauthorized user. By being proactive and thinking forward, everyone can benefit from the perks of threat intelligence.

How Cyber Threat Intelligence Works

The cyber threat intelligence lifecycle typically goes through a six-part data collection, processing, and analysis process. Here’s how it works:

  1. Planning and direction. Start by asking the right questions, such as who would be attacking? What is the attack surface? How would an attacker infiltrate the network? What actions should be taken to prevent an attack from taking place?
  2. Collection. Gather data based on the requirements from the initial question. Teams can collect information from data logs, industry experts, online forums, and other relevant sources.
  3. Processing. After collecting data, begin organizing and processing the information. Organize the information into spreadsheets and determine what is relevant to the initial questions.
  4. Analysis. Based on your findings, analyze the data and find potential security issues. Once you have identified weak spots, come up with possible solutions and action items.
  5. Dissemination. After the data collection, the information is distributed to the intended audience. Findings should be delivered in a digestible format and given to the stakeholders.
  6. Feedback. Once a conclusion is reached, the person who made the initial request should reassess the results to determine if they answered their question. If the answer remains unsolved, repeat the lifecycle to find a new solution.

How Armis Helps With Threat Detection and Response

Organizations use Armis solutions to gain the necessary information to devise a response strategy in preparation for any potential threats.

Armis Centrix™ sees, protects and manages monitor all assets on your network and airspace to detect malicious and risky behaviors. The Armis Asset Intelligence Engine employs machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) to determine standard device behavior, giving companies the ability to proactively detect and address risk.

Armis can identify when a device is operating outside of its standard baseline. Abnormal activity can be caused by a device misconfiguration, vulnerability, policy violation, or unusual software—indicating that the device has been compromised. Get a demo to learn more.