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Risk Assessment

Device Discovery and Risk Assessment

Hacked laptop in a dark room

Device Discovery with the Armis Collective Asset Intelligence Engine

Armis uses its Collective Asset Intelligence Engine to build a profile of assets.  The engine  is a giant, crowd-sourced, cloud-based asset behavior knowledgebase—the largest in the world, tracking over three billion assets—and growing.

We can understand not only what the asset is and what it is doing, but what it should be doing. This is because we understand the context of each asset in its use in each environment. These asset insights enable Armis to classify assets and detect threats with a high degree of accuracy.

Visibility of all devices across an organization is fundamental to any security strategy. Organizations must not only get an accurate inventory of all managed devices, but must address the exponential growth of unmanaged devices in the workplace.  Armis provides the ability see them both.

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