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Industries // Defense

Safeguarding Global Defense – Security Beyond the Managed IT Perimeter

The cybersecurity landscape is evolving rapidly as new threats and concerns emerge. Every day, global defense organizations increasingly rely on cybersecurity measures and strategies to protect critical assets and operations.

Armis Centrix™ provides the total asset visibility they need to address their greatest challenges.

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Global Threats Are on the Rise

By 2025, leading analysts predict that cyber attackers will have weaponized operational technology, potentially even against humankind.

Governments Around the World Are Under Attack

Government remains a top cyberattack target as rising geopolitical tensions and increasingly fragile digital infrastructure raise the threat to an all-time high.

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Defense organizations rely on a vast network of suppliers and contractors for various components and technologies. Cyber adversaries often target these supply chains to gain access to critical systems and data. Ensuring the security of the supply chain, including hardware and software components, is crucial to prevent backdoor access and vulnerabilities.

Emerging Technologies

The integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing presents both opportunities and challenges for global defense. While these technologies can enhance military capabilities, they also introduce new attack vectors and vulnerabilities that adversaries can exploit. Ensuring the security of these technologies and adapting defense strategies accordingly is a priority.

Nation-State Threats

Adversarial nation-states with advanced cyber capabilities pose one of the most significant cybersecurity concerns for military and defense agencies. These threats can involve cyber espionage, sabotage, and attempts to disrupt military operations. State-sponsored actors often target defense organizations to steal sensitive information, gain strategic advantage, or undermine national security.

Armis Centrix™ Platform Diagram

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Harness the Power of Collective Intelligence

The Armis Asset Intelligence Engine is a collaborative AI-driven information repository, constantly overseeing billions of global assets to pinpoint cybersecurity risk patterns and behaviors. It supplies Armis Centrix™ with exclusive, actionable cyber intelligence for the detection and immediate mitigation of threats across the complete attack landscape. Such cutting edge technology helps the defense industry take a proactive approach to countering evolving cyberattack techniques.

Unveiling Concealed Threats Across IT, IoT, and OT

As the digital realm continues to grow, encompassing IT, IoT, IoMT and OT, it introduces a multitude of concealed threats. Conventional security approaches frequently prove inadequate in uncovering these subtle dangers, leaving military operations exposed. The absence of proactive threat identification and mitigation allows these undetected threats to proliferate, jeopardizing both data integrity and operational effectiveness.

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Attack Surface Management and Security Posture

The attack surface is constantly changing as assets are added or removed and as OS, apps, configurations and connections evolve over time. Armis Centrix™ overcomes the issues of siloed solutions and enables defense teams to quickly identify and remediate gaps – either manually or via automated workflows. With the right tools to deliver visibility in all cloud and on-prem environments, across all platforms, and for all assets and devices, IT teams can see the whole client attack surface that needs to be protected and begin securing the environment.

Contract Vehicles

Armis participates in a number of contract vehicles that simplify and streamline the procurement process. To better serve our customers, we are currently listed on the following contract vehicles:

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
December 20, 2011- December 19, 2026

GSA Multiple Award Schedule Contract (MAS)
August 22, 2018- August 21, 2023

May 01, 2015- April 30, 2025

August 22, 2018- August 21, 2023

Global Semiconductor Company Uncovers Thousands of Networked Devices

Allegro microsystems home logo
Armis Adds Enhanced Visibility for Increased Confidence and Stronger Protection

Allegro MicroSystems decided to leverage Armis as a much-needed extra layer of defense for its entire corporate estate. Armis provides the IT team with insights into network activity that was previously not available with existing security tools.

semiconductor circuit board

Additional Resources

Armis Achieves U.S. Department of Defense Impact Level 4 Authorization

Today marks an important milestone for our company. Armis Centrix™ has achieved Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) “In Process” designation.