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Case Study

Uplight Increases Productivity With Armis Centrix™

three male coworkers collaborating around a computer

Founded in 2019, Uplight delivers a technology platform to more than 80 utilities, serving 110 million customers. The platform encompasses a data unification platform, an integration layer, as well as a set of APIs to easily deploy a number of Uplight applications for customer usage analytics, utilization reporting and customer self service.

The Challenge

While the company had a set of existing security practices, when Uplight’s current VP of Information Security joined the company in mid-2022, he set out to implement a more programmatic and formalized strategy for securing the Uplight platform, applications and development processes.

The team identified a set of challenges across tools, processes, and cross-functional dynamics that stood in the way of both a consolidated strategy and consistent visibility into the state of risk management.

While the issues were discrete to technology and process domains, they were interconnected. Findings assessment was inefficient because the security team couldn’t translate output from fragmented tools into a set of prioritized tasks based on business context.

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  • challenge iconBuilding more security into Uplight platforms and applications
  • challenge iconKeeping Uplight customer data secure
  • results icon90% less time spent identifying owners and assigning tickets with custom ticking rules
  • results iconHalved the time for resolution of critical findings, with ongoing improvements in reduction of response times anticipated
  • results iconIncreased the number of closed findings by 7x over three months, reducing overall threat debt