Armis Acquires OTORIO

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Case Study

Armis Protects the Infrastructure that Supports Sardinia’s Regional Agricultural and Rural Development Programs

Armis Protects the Infrastructure that Supports Sardinia’s Regional Agricultural and Rural Development Programs

Italian government agency gains complete visibility into all resources, real-time monitoring, and an accurate device inventory

Laore Sardegna already had a resource monitoring strategy in place but felt the need to upgrade the current system in order to see and more effectively manage both corporate and unmanaged devices. Armis provided the security team with complete visibility into the agency’s assets, as well as the ability to track the behavior of devices and detect anomalies. Armis also helped the team discover potential threats and take swift and appropriate action to resolve the most relevant issues. Following deployment, the team was able to gain additional benefits from Armis as a result of its agentless monitoring capabilities: compliance with the stringent requirements of the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) and a significantly improved security posture.

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  • challenges iconCreate an accurate asset inventory
  • challenges iconIncrease visibility of connected devices and their activities
  • challenges iconManage devices without installing software agents
  • result icon100% visibility into all managed and unmanaged devices connecting to the network
  • result iconDetection of unusual traffic and anomalous device behavior
  • result iconCompliance with standard to advanced-level security regulations
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