Armis Acquires OTORIO

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Case Study

Medical Device Customer Enhances Asset Visibility, Risk Management, and M&A Integration with Armis Centrix™

manufacturing plant robot drill machine tool

This manufacturing company is a global leader in manufacturing customized electric wheelchairs and other advanced medical assistive devices for individuals with disabilities. The company is driven by a mission to empower independence through innovative, personalized mobility solutions. With approximately 1,900 employees worldwide, the company faces the challenge of managing assets across various regions and integrating newly acquired companies. The need for complete visibility into both managed and unmanaged devices, including IT, IoT, and OT, is critical for ensuring continuity and availability for production sites, minimizing interruptions, protecting against various forms of intrusions, and maintaining regulatory compliance.

The Challenge

The CISO faces the daily challenge of balancing strategic and operational responsibilities with a relatively small IT team. Like many companies today, it is increasingly focused on digitizing its operations, which means security is essential to its core business. One of the CISO’s key concerns was the lack of visibility into the company’s technology assets, particularly unmanaged devices such as IoT and OT, across its production sites. Without a full inventory of these assets, the IT team struggled to prioritize security efforts, leaving potential vulnerabilities unaddressed.

The company also regularly acquires new companies, adding complexity to its asset management. Integrating these new companies into their current ecosystem was a resource-intensive process, further complicated by the lack of automated tools to identify assets and monitor risks across diverse environments.

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  • challenges iconIncomplete visibility into IT, IoT, and OT assets
  • challenges iconDifficulty identifying unmanaged devices across regions and mergers and acquisitions (M&As)
  • challenges iconLimited automation for asset discovery and risk management
  • challenges iconHigh regulatory pressure and risk of operational disruptions in production
  • result iconAchieved full visibility into all assets, including unsanctioned OT connections
  • result iconEnhanced production site security through real-time risk assessments
  • result iconSimplified integration of M&As with full asset visibility
  • result iconImproved operational efficiency and continuity through automated monthly key performance indicators (KPIs)