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Case Study

Burke Rehabilitation Hospital Explores Vast Potential of Armis Solutions

Burke Rehabilitation Hospital

Armis Shines a Light on Network-Connected Devices Across IT and Clinical Settings and Monitors Data Traffic to Better Secure Patient Information

Burke Rehab Hospital is a leading provider of in-patient and out-patient rehabilitative care in New York State. The security team knew they needed to up their game in the area of network security.

After deploying Armis, they were able to expand their visibility into devices connecting to the network, monitor device utilization across the organization, and view unencrypted and encrypted traffic to detect and prevent patient data exfiltration. Burke Rehab continues to discover new use cases for Armis that enhance security and provide operational insights across the entire organization.

Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, New York, is a member of the Montefiore Health System network and is a top-tier leader in rehabilitation medicine. In operation for over a century, the healthcare provider offers in-patient services to patients at its 150-bed adult acute care facility and out-patient services through an extensive network of healthcare facilities across the region. Burke offers rehabilitation care for neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiac, and pulmonary conditions resulting from illness, injury, or surgery.

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  • challenges iconNo visibility into devices on the network
  • challenges iconDevice sprawl, with many computing clinical devices exhibiting low usage
  • challenges iconInability to detect suspicious or risky traffic, resulting in weak data and network security
  • result iconBroader visibility into both rogue and new Internet of Things (IoT) and medical devices that connect to the network
  • result iconInsights on usage to determine which devices— from servers to peripherals to medical equipment—are truly adding value to the organization and which ones can be retired
  • result iconIntegration with CrowdStrike to enable deeper investigations when suspicious events arise
  • result iconDetection of both encrypted and unencrypted network traffic for better protection of patient data and other regulated healthcare information
  • result iconBig payoff in proportion to the amount of effort required to deploy and manage Armis