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Case Study

Armis Helps Singapore University Improve Visibility, Boost Its Security Posture, and Build a Security Culture

By Gaining a Better Handle on Unmanaged Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) and Research Equipment, IT Intends to Instill Users with a Greater Sense of Security Accountability

Understanding the stark realities of today’s increasingly complex threat landscape, the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is on a mission to up-level its cybersecurity. Like most institutions of higher learning, the university was well aware of the risks posed by unmanaged network-connected assets used by students or under the ownership of research groups. The first order of business was to find a way to gain visibility into these unmanaged devices. The IT team chose Armis to identify these devices and provide a complete IT asset inventory with comprehensive, granular data for each device. The team is sharing their newly acquired knowledge with stakeholders to pave the way for a stronger security posture supported by heightened security awareness among users.

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is a boutique university, with approximately 2,000 students and 900 faculty and staff. Founded in 2009, the research-intensive university offers four-year undergraduate programs in computer science, engineering, artificial intelligence, architecture, and related fields. Besides undergraduate, master’s and post-graduate degree programs, skill-based professional education and training courses are also available at the SUTD Academy.

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  • challenges iconGain visibility into Bring Your Own Devices and IT assets controlled and operated by research groups
  • challenges iconDefine and enforce security policies
  • challenges iconCreate a culture of security awareness and accountability
  • result iconIdentifying all managed and unmanaged devices, from research servers to personal mobile devices, and IoT
  • result iconCollecting granular data on all network-connected devices
  • result iconProviding drill-down dashboards and reports to help drive behavioral change among users and ease compliance