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Case Study

Armis Helps Ensure Ongoing Delivery of Critical Therapeutics to Patients

Multinational Bio-Pharmaceutical Company Minimizes Supply Continuity Risks at Manufacturing Plants

Takeda Pharmaceuticals focuses on research and production of potentially life-changing treatments for specific medical conditions. The company is dedicated to the timely delivery of medicines to those who need them. By providing comprehensive visibility into laboratory and production equipment in its manufacturing plants, Armis has vastly improved the company’s cyber resiliency and increased confidence in its ability to maintain supply continuity.

Over the years, Takeda has grown rapidly through acquisitions, resulting in a disjointed manufacturing network with a mix of aging and newer equipment. Given the growing prevalence of destructive cyberattacks that target intellectual property and could potentially disrupt ongoing operations within or across plants, Mike Towers, chief security and trust officer at Takeda Pharmaceuticals, was increasingly concerned about the security of plant systems and assets.

“Of all the vendors we looked at, Armis provided the fastest time to value and the widest coverage. Because it’s cloud-based, Armis is also simple to manage. All these factors made it easy to choose Armis, frankly,” says Towers. “Thanks to Armis, we’ve already uncovered a series of potential cyber risks. Without the Armis deployment, we never would have known they existed. It has already paid for itself.”

Takeda turned to Amazon Web services (AWS) for an initiative to empower self-service, on-demand access to cloud technologies across the organization. With this project, it aimed to migrate its business applications in core data centers to AWS and other software-as-a-service solutions and rationalize its technology estate. Takeda also leveraged the Armis connectors and collectors running on AWS to gain full visibility of the IT assets connected to their corporate network.

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  • challenges iconLimited visibility into connected assets across an extensive network of manufacturing plants
  • challenges iconDifficulty understanding and managing supply continuity risks
  • challenges iconPrevention of potential outages and downtime at manufacturing facilities
  • challenges iconLack of security controls to protect against emerging threats targeting intellectual property and production and lab equipment
  • result icon100% visibility into connected assets in the manufacturing environment
  • result iconIncreased assurance of uptime and supply continuity
  • result iconConsolidated, easy-toaccess asset information in a cloud-based dashboard
  • result iconContinuous real-time monitoring of assets to determine update and configuration status and anomalous network behavior