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Armis Centrix™ for VIPR – Prioritization and Remediation

Next-gen Approach to Close the Gap Between Finding and Fixing Risk

3D digital light stream

Identify Risk, Prioritize Remediation, Assign the Owner, and Operationalize the Remediation Lifecycle

The growing alert backlog from security detection tools can often be measured in the millions. Because of inefficient processes and inconsistent prioritization, security teams can’t get sustained clarity on what to fix, how to fix and who should fix it.

The Armis Approach

Armis Centrix™ for VIPR – Prioritization and Remediation (VIPR Pro) enables security teams to transform their vulnerability management programs to more efficiently and systematically reduce risk, for traditional vulnerabilities as well as asset, misconfigurations in code, cloud infrastructure and application exposures. VIPR Pro consolidates security tool findings, enriches prioritization based on asset profile and business risk weighting, then automates ownership assignment for remediation, and helps manage the remediation lifecycle.

Continue reading to learn more about Armis Centrix™ for VIPR – Prioritization and Remediation and why more businesses are trusting Armis to drive measurable outcomes.

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