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Jun 14, 2023

Yevgeny Dibrov Armis CEO wins EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2023 Bay Area Award

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The Armis team is incredibly proud to share that our CEO and my Co-Founder, Yevgeny Dibrov, has been named an Ernst and Young (EY) Entrepreneur Of The Year 2023 Bay Area Award winner. The Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards program is one of the preeminent competitive awards for entrepreneurs and leaders of high-growth companies. Congratulations, Yevgeny!

For nearly four decades, EY US has honored entrepreneurs whose ambition, courage and ingenuity have driven their companies’ success, transformed their industries and made a positive impact on their communities. For this program, winners are selected by an independent judging panel made up of previous award winners, leading CEOs, investors and other regional business leaders. The candidates were evaluated based on their demonstration of building long-term value through entrepreneurial spirit, purpose, growth and impact, among other core contributions and attributes.

We at Armis know that Yevgeny is a visionary leader, so we’re thrilled to celebrate this tremendous public achievement with him and look forward to what’s to come as we continue on this journey together with him at the helm.

“It is an honor to receive such a highly-coveted accolade,” said Yevgeny. “To be among this year’s winners and join the ranks of those who have been awarded this recognition in the past is simply incredible. And, while the award highlights individual entrepreneurs, it is not just a personal accolade. I want to recognize my brilliant Co-Founder Nadir Izrael who has been on this journey with me, building a world-class technology platform and team at Armis. This recognition is a true testament to the collective efforts of the entire company which have contributed to the tremendous growth and success of our organization.”

Yevgeny Dibrov EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2023 Bay Area Award

As a Bay Area award winner, Yevgeny is now eligible for consideration for the Entrepreneur Of The Year 2023 National Awards. We wish him well as he continues to the next phase and is considered alongside the other U.S. regional winners for the national award.

Interested in learning more about Armis and potentially joining our team? We’d love to hear from you and to have you apply for one of our open positions here:

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