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Jul 25, 2023

Armis is Rated as the Best Performing Cross-industry Vendor in KLAS Research Healthcare IoT Security 2023 Report

KLAS Research Healthcare IoT Security 2023 Report blog thumbnail

Armis has been named a top performer in the July 2023 Healthcare IoT Security report issued by KLAS Research. This recognition is incredibly important as it’s based on customer reviews for both healthcare-focused and cross-industry vendors, organized into six pillars—culture, loyalty, operations, product, relationship, and value. On a 100-point scale, Armis achieved a robust 92.2 overall performance score – the highest of any cross-industry vendors in and 2nd highest of all fully rated vendors in the report!

Over the past year, Armis has continued to grow its partnerships with new customers across the healthcare sector, resulting in 115% customer growth year-over-year, on average. Our promise is to enable organizations to adopt new connected devices without fear of compromise by cyber attack. We support healthcare innovation by providing a resilient architecture that extends security for connected medical devices through the lens of patient safety, clinical quality, and high efficiency utilization.

Customers in the report consistently praised Armis for its ability to meet healthcare-specific needs, including:

  • Asset Management: a powerful and streamlined approach to Medical Asset Management (as well as other device types such as enterprise and building management systems) that enables healthcare organizations to stay on top of their inventory – without manual intervention by biomedical and IT teams.
  • Medical Device Utilization: insights into utilization metrics so healthcare professionals can understand when and how devices are being used. Clinical team management can rely on up-to-date asset usage data to leverage medical devices more efficiently and maximize ROI, as well as justify purchasing additional medical equipment.

Once complete visibility has been established, our Armis for healthcare platform covers even more use cases, including:

  • Medical Device Security Assessment: including passive vulnerability assessments, network traffic analysis and deep packet inspection, FDA recall, MDS2 analysis, and anomalous behavior detection. It also assesses behavioral risk and deviations of medical device behaviors outside of normal profile operations, including the use of insecure protocols, PHI violations, suspicious network connections, etc.
  • Compliance: providing evidence to frameworks such as HICP, NIST, DSPT and visibility and actionability to NHS Cyber Alerts compliance requirements. We continuously evaluate new and existing compliance frameworks to provide clear and actionable data to help organizations meet compliance requirements.
  • Network Segmentation: using Armis’ behavior monitoring capabilities to create segments, ACLs, and automate the enforcement of network policies to automate segmentation through the entirety of the segmentation lifecycle.
  • Threat Detection & Response: with superior cyber threat capabilities, Armis is the primary tool for unmanaged device visibility and has been used to protect healthcare organizations against ransomware and other malware attacks.

Beyond medical devices

One of the ways Armis differentiates from other vendors in the report is the deep coverage across all industries. A historical misconception exists that cross-industry vendors like Armis are less likely to have needed healthcare expertise, but we are pleased to see that the report confirms our fast growth and how we meet customer healthcare needs via our robust, easy-to-deploy cloud-based platform.

Armis’ Armis Asset Intelligence Engine tracks over 3 billion devices – managed and unmanaged across IoMT, IoT, OT, and IT. These crowd-sourced asset insights deliver powerful analytics along with anomalous behavior detection for a comprehensive and holistic security assessment and risk reduction strategy.

The reason why every organization – including healthcare – needs a holistic approach is simple: hackers look at the total attack surface and don’t stop at medical devices. We know bad actors will look for any device within an environment that has a vulnerability: IP security cameras, door badging systems, Windows laptops, TV’s, mobile devices: all of them are communicating on the network and have the potential to disrupt patient care. Proper threat modeling requires a deep understanding of workflows in healthcare organizations, including IT systems, Building Management Systems (BMS), physical security, etc. The Armis Platform provides a comprehensive view of devices used in all of the above use-cases, enabling organizations to classify assets and detect threats with a high degree of accuracy.

“We have become sensitive to and aware of the hazards surrounding cybersecurity and the risk of penetration of personal health information via different medical devices and applications. The Armis application is robust and can see all network-connected devices. It is really incredible to see the amount of horsepower that the Armis platform brings to the table for us. The product really is a great tool.” —Director, July 2023


Quick time to value

The Armis platform requires no additional software agents or executables that need to be deployed on endpoints, realizing value almost immediately. We continue to focus on simplified and rapid adoption of the platform through our “Armis Value Packs” containing out-of-the-box recommendations on integrations, dashboards, reports, and policies for common healthcare use cases.

To read the full report, please visit: .

For further information on how Armis is helping healthcare delivery organizations improve their security posture, and to review case studies of Armis healthcare customers, please visit:

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