A Proliferation of Assets and Threats
While Cyber Attacks Continue to Increase Every day, U.S. Federal Government agencies rely on their digital infrastructure to support and power mission-critical services. Securing these services has grown increasingly complex because of megatrends that have fundamentally altered the threat environment including continued migration to the cloud, the move to mobile and BYOD, the convergence of IT/OT/IoT, and the increase in ransomware and nation states targeting OT networks.
The Federal response is comprehensive and has covered everything from securing IoT devices to quantum encryption and AI. Unfortunately, cyber goals must function within budget realities and agencies continue to struggle with aligning programs and divisions around foundational cybersecurity practices. Lost in the noise of the new requirements is that basic cyber hygiene continues to be the most cost-effective way to protect service delivery. After all, asset visibility and vulnerability reduction sit at the center of nearly every CISA and OMB priority for the last 10 years.
The challenge is not getting easier. This year, the number of connected assets will grow to 50B. With 80% of assets being unseen, unmanaged and lacking in any real security measures, assets continue to represent the fastest growing attack surface. According to Armis research, 69% of organizations surveyed report that they’ve experienced a cyber-incident resulting from an unknown, unmanaged, or poorly managed internet-facing device. It is clear that a different approach is needed to protect the changing asset attack surface. It’s time to get back to basics with a modern approach.