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Jul 24, 2024

The Cyber and Physical Threats Associated With Cyber Physical Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) represent a significant leap in technology, merging the physical and digital worlds. What used to be considered manual, often dangerous backbreaking labor, today can be operated and controlled safely. CPS consists of engineered systems that integrate computational algorithms and physical components, enabling them to interact safely and efficiently with humans. The systems are embedded in everyday environments and can be found in critical infrastructures such as power grids, transportation systems, healthcare, manufacturing, and smart cities.

What Are Cyber-Physical Systems?

CPS consist of interconnected devices that sense and act upon the physical world, leveraging computational capabilities to process data and make decisions. These systems rely on a network of sensors, actuators, and control systems to monitor and manage physical processes. For instance, in a smart grid, sensors monitor energy usage and distribution, while control systems adjust power flows to optimize efficiency and reliability.

Key characteristics of Cyber-Physical Systems include:

  • Integration – Seamless integration of computation with physical processes. A typical integration may be ensuring that the manufacturing robots move in the directions needed to complete the manufacturing steps accurately and safely.
  • Interconnectivity –  Connectivity between devices and systems through communication networks. This often manifests in the form of IT, OT, IoT and IoMT devices working together.
  • Real-Time Operation – Real-time monitoring and control capabilities are particularly important in order to maintain physical safety on the plant floor.  But it also ensures that the final product, whether part of a continuous manufacturing or unit based process, maintains design integrity that falls within the acceptable tolerances.
  • Autonomy – Ability to operate autonomously with minimal human intervention.

Cyber-Physical Systems Are Targeted

Given their critical role and interconnected nature, CPS are prime targets for cyber threats. More recently, there has been a substantial increase in these attacks prompting the release of security frameworks such as MITRE ATT&CK for ICS as well as specific guidance from CISA on a variety of ICS topics.

Top threats this sector has seen include, but are not limited to:

  1. Malware and Ransomware – Malware can infiltrate CPS, disrupting operations or stealing sensitive data. Ransomware, in particular, can lock critical systems, halting operations until a ransom is paid. This can result in operational downtime, financial loss, and compromised data integrity.
  2. Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) Attacks – DoS attacks overwhelm a system’s resources, rendering it inoperative. For CPS, this could mean disabling essential services like water supply or traffic control, leading to significant disruptions. Results of a successful DoS attack can include service outages, safety risks, and public panic.
  3. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) – APTs involve prolonged and targeted attacks, where adversaries infiltrate a network and remain undetected for extended periods. This can be very effective since many traditional security products may not alarm because the attack is “low and slow” and may fall below what the alarm trigger needs to activate. Successful APT attacks can exfiltrate data, manipulate processes, and cause long-term damage to the infrastructure.
  4. Insider Threats – Though we do not think of our own employees or contractors as a threat, those with access to CPS can intentionally or unintentionally cause harm. Insider threats are particularly dangerous because they often have legitimate access and can bypass many security measures which can result in data breaches, sabotage, and operational disruption.
  5. Zero-Day Exploits – These are attacks that consist of previously unknown vulnerabilities in software or hardware. Since they are unknown to the manufacturer and the security community, they can be particularly devastating. Equally as devastating however are known vulns that have not yet been patched yet due to the lack of an acceptable maintenance window or simply due to lack of visibility of the asset(s) in question. These types of unknown or untreated vulns can lead to exploits with potentially widespread impact.

Armis: THE Asset Intelligence Cybersecurity Company

To address these threats, a robust asset intelligence cybersecurity solution like Armis is essential. Armis provides comprehensive visibility, security, and management of all assets within a CPS environment. Here’s how Armis can mitigate the top threats and offer business benefits:

1. Enhanced Visibility and Inventory Management – Armis provides a detailed inventory of all connected devices with maintaining a deep situational awareness across the entire operational environment. When it comes to maintaining the security and integrity of CPS operations,  it includes their configurations, interdependencies, and vulnerabilities. This visibility is crucial for identifying unauthorized actions and behaviors and understanding the attack surface.

Threat Mitigated: Malware and Ransomware

2. Real-Time Monitoring – Armis offers real-time monitoring with a multi detection engine that leverages AI to perform anomaly detection and policy enforcement. It enables organizations to detect and respond to threats quickly. Leveraging an asset security data lake of over 5 billion assets, the Armis asset intelligence engine is able to compare expected and observed behaviors of each and every asset, thus minimizing downtime and potential damage.

Threat Mitigated: Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks, Malware & Ransomware

3. Vulnerability Management and Patch Deployment – Based on gaining asset intelligence and full situational awareness noted earlier, Armis identifies and addresses vulnerabilities, keeping systems secure and up-to-date. Armis looks at a much broader range of security issues – not just host vulnerabilities, but also security issues associated with cloud, code and AppSec findings. Using AI, Armis deduplicates alarms, prioritizes them based on business risk, assigns them and mitigates the issues before they impact business operations. Quick deployment of patches and updates to all network components reduces the window of opportunity for attackers, enhancing system security and operational reliability.

Threat Mitigated: Zero-Day Exploits

4. Insider Threat Management – Armis monitors user behavior and access patterns to identify and mitigate insider threats before they cause significant harm. Secure Remote Access can ensure that employees and third parties such as contractors and partners have the right access to perform their roles while applying Zero Trust principles across the entire operations. Implementing strict access controls combined with continuous monitoring helps detect and prevent malicious actions from insiders, protecting device integrity and operational continuity.

Threat Mitigated: Insider Threats

5. Advanced Threat Detection and Response Solution – Armis incorporates advanced threat detection mechanisms which includes Actionable Threat Intelligence to stop attacks while still in the formulation stage. Proprietary AI/ML leverages deception technology including smart honeypots, dark web and human intelligence through Armis Labs to learn about hacker behavior and tactics. This identifies vulnerabilities that are about to be exploited and delivers pre-emergence protection to the industrial infrastructure.  Early detection and rapid response to sophisticated threats ensure the resilience and reliability of CPS, protecting critical operations and reducing long-term damage.

Threat Mitigated: Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

The Business Benefits of Robust Cybersecurity in CPS

Implementing a robust asset intelligence cybersecurity solution like Armis for CPS offers several business benefits:

  • Operational Resilience – Preventing disruptions ensures uninterrupted delivery of services, maintaining customer trust and satisfaction.
  • Cost Savings –  Proactive threat management reduces the financial impact of cyber incidents, including costs associated with downtime, data breaches, and regulatory fines.
  • Regulatory Compliance – A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy helps organizations efficiently and proactively comply with industry regulations and security frameworks.
  • Reputation Management – Protecting CPS from cyber threats preserves the organization’s reputation, which is crucial for maintaining market position and customer loyalty.
  • Innovation Enablement – Securing CPS environments foster innovation by providing a reliable foundation for new technologies and business models with physical and cyber safety built in.

As cyber-physical systems continue to revolutionize various industries, the importance of a robust cybersecurity framework cannot be overstated. Solutions like Armis play a critical role in safeguarding these systems, ensuring their reliability, efficiency, and security in an increasingly connected world.

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