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Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation

Go beyond Vulnerability Management. Find risk, prioritize response, identify the owner, and operationalize the remediation lifecycle.

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A Leap Forward in Addressing the Security Gap Between the “Find” and the “Fix”

The Current Model is Broken

Organizations continue to put more money into revamped versions of stale technologies, and inadequate programs.

Security Alerts Backlog

Security data often resides in a variety of disparate tools and locations, leading to duplicative or overlapping alerts.

More Than Just CVEs

Vulnerability management teams now have responsibility for a much broader range of security issues – not just host vulnerabilities, but also cloud, code and AppSec findings.

The Unequal Battle

Attackers move fast using AI; many organizations move slowly using spreadsheets to mount a defense.

Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation
Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro - Unify chart

Silk Dashboard screenshot

Deduplicate, Correlate and Prioritize Vulnerabilities and Security Findings

Organizations are regularly faced with a deluge of security alerts, with no clear means to definitively address them.

Armis consolidates detection tool findings and deduplicates alerts, extending from vulnerability scanners, on-premise hosts and endpoints to code, cloud services and application security tools.

Our technology assigns context to findings, including threat intelligence, likelihood of exploit, and asset attributes like business impact and compliance policies. The result is an automatically prioritized list of findings.

Leverage Armis’ AI-power to Assign and Remediate

Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation generates predictive ownership rules through AI to assign fix responsibilities, and enables ongoing communication for distributed teams through bidirectional integration with their preferred workflow or ticketing system.

It’s simply not enough to know what threats an organization is facing. Being able to manage them in a prioritized, automated and trackable way delivers a highly cost efficient and highly effective compliance methodology that leaves nothing to chance or being overlooked.

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Monitor and Report

Track and demonstrate progress for both individuals tasks, as for overall risk trends in the organization.

Advanced dashboards, reports and leaderboards help you understand how teams and tools are performing, and automate follow ups for exception requests. Evaluate how your teams and the tools they are using are performing through a consolidated dashboard, and measure the effectiveness of the remediation process for executive stakeholder reporting.

Unify, Deduplicate and Correlate

Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation brings strategic order to the deluge of inbound alarms and data by automating risk prioritization and orientation through consolidation of detection tool findings. This is combined with contextualization of the findings through asset intelligence and configurable risk assessment.

Prioritize Based on Context

Armis Centrix™ understands the relationships and dependencies of each asset and security finding. Automate risk prioritization and orientation based on the severity of the threat and the criticality to the business.

Establish Ownership

Armis leverages proprietary AI technology and generates predictive ownership rules and remediation paths to assign fixes. This enables ongoing and highly efficient communication for distributed teams through bidirectional integration with their preferred workflow.

Automate Remediation Workflows

Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation automates ticketing and task routing across multiple instances of the same workflow tools, as well as integrations to multiple types of workflow tools within the same enterprise.

Business Outcomes That Deliver

  • Reduce findings volume in complex environments by 50-1 with ML deduplication
  • Cut time spent on identifying owners and assigning tickets by 90%, with custom ticketing rules.
  • Improve MTTR by as much as 90%
  • Half the time for resolution of critical findings, with ongoing improvements in reduction of response times anticipated
  • Increase the number of closed findings by 7x over three months, reducing overall threat debt

Lehigh University Moving to Proactive Security Stance Management

Lehigh University logo

Lehigh University (LU) is a private research university in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The university was established in 1865, and serves around 8,000 students. Armis Centrix™️ helps them to reduce the operational load on their security team, while at the same time improving the efficiency of the vulnerability management process - from prioritization to remediation.

students in a college lecture hall

Additional Resources

White Paper: Modernizing Vulnerability Management to Reduce Risk

This white paper discusses the problems with traditional vulnerability management processes and how to modernize them.

Solution Brief: Armis Centrix™ for VIPR Pro – Prioritization and Remediation

Modern organizations are grappling with a barrage of security alerts and scaling the prioritization and remediation process to secure the attack surface. Armis Centrix™, addresses the gap in cybersecurity between security findings and actionable remediation.

2023 Gartner Market Guide for Vulnerability Assessment

According to Gartner “Vulnerability Assessment solutions identify, categorize and prioritize vulnerabilities as well as orchestrate their remediation or mitigation.” Read the report to see the Gartner report’s recommendations for Security and Risk Management leaders and why Gartner recognizes Armis as a Vulnerability Assessment leader.