Data as a Defence: Clean Data for Cyber, AI and Operational Resilience Regulatory Risk
As assets progress through their lifecycle, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) estate accumulates cyber vulnerabilities as a result of poor asset visibility and security hygiene. The outcome – the Financial Institution (FI) cyber attack surface expands and Financial Services (FS) market systemic risk amplifies.
Listen to speakers from UK Finance, KPMG, the Cyber Defence Alliance (CDA) and Armis, as they explore how collaborating and combining data at scale using Armis’ unique micro and macro view of the financial industry will allow FIs and the Bank of England (BoE) to identify weak spots in their business operations, strategy, and defence mechanisms and take action before a vulnerability becomes a cyber event.
Here’s what you’ll learn from the session:
- How to utilise the world’s largest asset AI, of 4.2BN devices & 20% of the internet, to protect your organisation.
- The role of defensive AI in transforming the cyber-capabilities of the financial services sector as a whole – moving FIs away from reactive, manual, xls driven processes, to proactive, automated, AI responses.
- How Armis Centrix™ enables FIs to get a 360° view of their assets, data and attack surface – in turn allowing automated identification of potential cyber threats and anomalies before they become incidents
Watch the on demand recording today.